ChemInventory for multiple labs on site

ChemInventory's site licensing gives you the flexibility to use ChemInventory for any number of labs within your company or university at heavily discounted rates. You will also benefit from additional features including full site searching, regulatory reporting across all labs and container recycling.

Structure under site licensing

Laboratory independence with administrative oversight

Under our site licensing options, you have the freedom to adopt any lab structure that best suits your organization. You can create individual ChemInventory accounts for each lab on site, organize accounts by building or simply use one account for everything. Customisable sharing settings between individual accounts can be configured on a lab-by-lab basis, maximizing the chemical stock you have on site.

All groups covered by a site license can have an unlimited number of containers and an unlimited number of users.

Nominated users, such as organizational safety officers, are given Site administrator rights. Site administrators have oversight privileges, allowing them to browse all inventories under the site license, search across your site, export regulatory reports and view group sharing settings.

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Watchlist and Regulatory Reporting

Our watchlist feature simplifies the process of ensuring your organization remains compliant with legal obligations. Watchlists contain substances that appear on regulatory registers, allowing site administrators to find all relevant containers throughout the labs under their site license.

Regulatory Compliance

We maintain watchlists for common regulations such as the DHS Appendix A compounds in the US and REACH in the EU. If we don't maintain a watchlist you need, you can create your own custom watchlists at any time.

Export Reports

Instantly download reports detailing the quantity and location of flagged containers in labs under your site license. Reports are prepared on request so you'll always have the most up-to-date data.

Email Alerts

ChemInventory can send email alerts to site administrators whenever a watchlist compound is added to a lab under your site license or a user-requested order is marked as placed.

Leftover Container Recycling

In many research laboratories compounds are ordered in quantities greater than required, increasing storage requirements in the lab and leading to waste when the container reaches its expiration date. Other labs may require the same compound but may not be able to find it unless sharing settings have been configured appropriately.

ChemInventory's recycling feature acts as a central library where labs can list containers that still hold a quantity of chemical inside but they no longer require. When the recycling feature is enabled, all labs under your site license can search through these containers no matter the inter-lab sharing settings configured between them. If a result is found, users are presented with the contact details of administrators in the other lab.

By enabling the recycling feature, your organization could save significant amounts of money by cutting back on duplicate orders and greatly reducing the amount of chemical waste to be disposed.

Find out more about container recycling on our support pages

chemical inventory software site search university

Full site searching

Site administrators can search for compounds in all groups under a site license by name, CAS number, barcode or chemical structure. Searching takes a fraction of a second, making it easy for administrators to find hazardous compounds whenever the need arises.

Search results, presented under group headings, list information that enables administrators to identify out key information such as container sizes and locations at one glance.

Search from anywhere

You can search from anywhere, even from mobile devices. Useful in emergency situations - let authorities know exactly what compounds are present in labs, no matter where you are.

Searching by Hazard

Using the GHS search tool you can search your site by hazard. You could use this, for example, to find all flammables or carcinogens on site using ChemInventory's GHS database.

Full Site Backups

Although ChemInventory's central databases are automatically backed up every 24 hours, some organizations require independent backups to be maintained by staff. With ChemInventory's site licensing, site administrators can export all lab inventory data into a downloadable Excel file. Backup files are structured to make it easy for administrators to search through and find relevant information quickly and without fuss.

Looking for more information?
Get in touch with us

If you have any questions about site licensing or would like to sign up for a license, please send an email to our support address below. We'll get back to you ASAP.